Happy & Healthy Halloween: Nutrition Tips for a Sweet Holiday

family on halloween
October 16, 2024

Halloween is one of the sweetest times of the year, but it doesn't have to be all sugar and no balance. Here are 7 tips to help you and your kids enjoy the treats, while also making healthy choices!

1. Balance is Key

It’s all about variety! Serve up healthy foods alongside those festive Halloween treats. A fun way to add some balance is with creative snacks like clementine jack o'lanterns, banana ghosts, etc. It keeps things festive while sneaking in some extra nutrients.

2. Choose Treats with Benefits

Not all candy is created equal. Consider offering a chocolate (bonus points for dark chocolate over milk chocolate!) or nut-based option like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup or Almond Hershey bar. These contain some fat and protein to help slow sugar absorption and minimize those dreaded sugar crashes. Opting for candies with some health benefits opposed to those that are sugar-only, like gummies or hard candies, can truly make a difference!

3. Fuel Up Before the Fun

Before heading out for trick-or-treating, offer your little ones a protein-packed dinner. Protein helps keep them full longer, and it’s a great way to prevent overeating when they dig into their candy stash later. It can be as simple as grilled chicken, a peanut butter sandwich, or a fun Halloween-themed charcuterie board.

4. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

With all the excitement, it’s easy to forget about hydration. Encourage your kids to drink water before, during, and after trick-or-treating to help balance out their sugar intake. Carry a reusable water bottle to keep everyone hydrated while trick or treating!

5. Make Movement Part of the Night

Get out and enjoy the fall air with your child! Join them on their trick-or-treating adventure, turning it into a family walk. Not only will it encourage physical activity, but it's also a great way to create memories together.

6. Candy Isn't the Enemy

Instead of restricting candy, try incorporating it alongside meals in the days and weeks following Halloween. This can help demystify candy and prevent it from feeling like a "forbidden" treat. When candy is just another part of a balanced meal, it helps foster a healthy relationship with food for the long term.

7. Brush Away the Sugar

After a fun night of indulging in Halloween treats, don’t forget to brush away the sugar! Make brushing a fun part of your nighttime routine, using fluoride toothpaste to keep those smiles healthy and strong.

At the Gateway Region YMCA, we believe Halloween can be a happy and healthy holiday for the whole family. Wishing you a safe, active, and sweet Halloween!

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