The Y is made up of people of all ages, from all backgrounds, working side-by-side to strengthen communities. Together, we work to ensure that everyone can reach their full potential with dignity. Our core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility guide everything we do.


We believe the Y must continue to lead the way to a brighter future by following our belief that we are stronger when our doors are open to all.
Open For All
We help ensure all people feel welcome and valued as part of the Y family.
Changing Communities
As neighborhoods become more diverse, it is important that we, with great intentionality, understand who is in our communities and how best to serve their interests and needs.
Open Door
Strengthen Community
It's critical to both our mission and our business that Ys develop and integrate strategies to effectively engage, advocate for and serve all.


Our Employee Resource Groups

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are groups of employees that form with a common bond, a shared characteristic or life experience. They provide support, help with career or personal development, and work to address issues inside and outside of the workplace. ERG’s are open to all active staff of the Gateway Region YMCA  - whether they are a learner, supporter, or an ally. The Gateway Region YMCA currently has 4 ERGs.

YMCA World Service

The Gateway Region YMCA is part of the International YMCA Network - a powerful alliance dedicated to strengthening our global communities. Because of this global reach, we are able to respond to trends in migration, health, economic livelihood and education that are reshaping our communities.

International partnerships are developed based on the mutual interests of both local and international Ys. The Gateway Region YMCA currently partners with:

  • Belize
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • South Africa
  • Ukraine