Thank you for allowing us to continue to serve you and our shared community.

Who is Gains Full Service Billing?

  • Gains Full-Service Billing is the Gateway Region YMCA’s third-party payment processor. Gains is authorized to assist with the resolution of all declined membership dues, programs, and child care payments. They may contact you on behalf of the Y to attempt to collect your owed balance and/or update your billing information. 

How does Gains Full Service Billing work?

  • Gains will draft fees up to 4 times to attempt to collect before terminating services. Gains will attempt to contact you via phone & email to alert you to the declined payment. 
  • As outlined in our Membership agreements and handbook, if a payment is not honored by your financial institution for any reason, a $25 return fee will be charged. Members are still responsible for payment, including the return fee. This is in addition to any return fee your financial institution may charge. 
  • Payment Authorization Agreement (may be found within our current Membership & Guest Form): 

    I/(We) authorize and request the Gateway Region YMCA to charge my/(our) checking/savings or credit/debit card account for my/(our) monthly fee. I/(We) further authorize the financial institution to process these fees. I/(We) understand that Gains Full-Service Billing will be the Y’s third-party payment processor. I further understand that Gains is authorized to assist with resolving all declined membership dues, programs, and child care payments and they may contact me on behalf of the Y to attempt to collect an owed balance and/or update my billing information. I/(We) understand fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. If for any reason, a payment is not honored by the financial institution, a return fee will be charged on any returned transaction. I realize I am still responsible for my payment, including the return fee applied by the Y. This is in addition to any service fee my/(our) financial institution may charge. Additional attempts will be made automatically to recover the original balance, and the return fee and the Y/Gains will notify me/(us) of any issues. The Y will add no additional return fees to my account for additional returns on the same item. Unpaid balances will result in suspension or termination of my/(our) service. I/(We) understand charges are continuous, and it is my/(our) responsibility to notify the Y in-person to discontinue my/(our) services and automatic payments. Charges are not dependent on usage.  I/(We) understand cancellations/changes must be submitted in writing on or before the 20th of the month prior to my/(our) next draft date.  If I/(we) notice a discrepancy on my/(our) statement, I/(we) will notify the Y promptly. I/(We) understand refunds are not issued for discrepancies after 90 days. A copy of our most up-to-date payment authorization is available at

What happens if I don’t make my payment?

  • Memberships will be terminated by Gains if payment is not received within 30 days from the original decline date. 
  • Program participants will not be permitted to attend until payment is received.