The Gateway Region YMCA to Host Juneteenth Events
WHO: The Bayer YMCA and the Emerson Family YMCA
WHAT: Juneteenth community events
Trivia Night
Friday, June 18 from 5-7 pm
Bayer YMCA (5555 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63112)
FREE admission! Music, games, prizes and fun! Bring your own food and drinks (non-alcoholic)
Reservation deadline: Wednesday, June 16. Contact 314.367.4646 to reserve a table.
Juneteenth Community Celebration
Saturday, June 19 from 11 am – 2 pm
Emerson Family YMCA (3390 Pershall Road, Ferguson, MO, 63135)
Music, vendors, poetry, drumming, food, games, dancing, prizes and fun!
Event is open to everyone and FREE of charge.
WHY: To celebrate and honor an important day in history – the end of chattel slavery in the United States. “At the Y, it’s important for us to recognize such a turning point in our country,” said Ken Strawbridge, District Vice President at the Gateway Region YMCA. “We hope those in the community will come out and celebrate with us.”